
Unleashing the Power of AI for Business Growth

Our Journey

About MIYA Consulting

Established in 2023, MIYA Consulting has been at the forefront of AI innovation, assisting businesses in leveraging data for strategic advantage.
By harnessing AI strategies tailored to each business, MIYA Consulting has enabled clients to accelerate new opportunities and optimize operations, achieving sustainable success in a digital world.

Achieving successful cooperation​

Remember, the AI product lifecycle is iterative. Based on your feedback and performance metrics, we may need to revisit earlier stages and make adjustments.


Identify and clearly define the problem that the AI product will solve. It’s not always necessary to apply AI to each business problem.


Gather relevant information about the problem, data, and architecture and validate the ideas. We use the Pareto rule here providing optimistic and pessimistic scenario concepts.


A preliminary version of the product is developed to test and validate its functionality and feasibility. This version is not fully functional, but it should be sufficient to demonstrate the product’s concept and potential.

MVP Build

We create a version of the product that has just enough features to be usable by early customers and provide feedback for future product development.


Integrate the product for a pilot launch. Provides a comprehensive solution that meets the needs of the target audience and delivers value to both, your company and the end users.

Ready to Elevate Your Business?

Contact us today to explore how our AI consulting services can grow your business.

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